
Parent Advisory Council Information

The Parent Advisory Council is designed to promote meaningful and active parent involvement in the college. The parents will voluntarily work side by side with the college to help make the experiences of our students rewarding. The goals of the Parent Advisory Council are below:

Purpose of the Parent Advisory Council:

  • To involve parents and guardians in the Synergy community and serve as resources to the college.
  • To assist parents and guardians with support and tools as they adjust to their ward’s college transition.
  • To build stronger communication between parents and guardians and the college.
  • To inform academic progress of their sons and/or daughters.
  • To inform parents and guardians of the college's programs and events and encourage participation.
  • To serve as ambassadors for the college and support SYNERGY in strategic and development initiatives.


All parents of Synergy students automatically become members of the Parent Advisory Council. We encourage you to get involved by volunteering your time!


We urge you to take an active role in your student's experience by encouraging and sharing participation in activities such as athletic, cultural and social events, guest speakers and more. Students, parents and families are important to


Parents interested in this committee give input to college faculty and staff on various issues based on a parent's perspective. This committee is also exploring how to tap the resources of Synergy College parents for student internships, job shadowing, and seminar presentations.


This committee is asked to represent the College in their own community. The college can ask committee members to be involved in a function in their community or at College events as a representative of the Parent Advisory Council.

For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the principal/director at [email protected]