Central Library is a heart of any Institution. Our Library is a nerve centre of documentation and information activities. This is recognized as indispensable organs of research in science & technology. Books, Readers and Staff as the basic trinity of the Library are to bring the best interaction among these three basic constituents.
The Library of SIT, BBSR has an excellent well stocked computerized library with all the required reading materials. The Library is enriched with book of academic interest, Journals, Literatures and others. It is also an associate institutional member of DELNET as well as INDEST-AICTE Consortium. The Library also provides Current Awareness Service(CAS),Book Bank and Reprographic facility to the students.
All students have access to college library, which offers facility and service on a wide range of materials to support academic pursuit and service on a wide range of materials to support academic pursuit of Students, Books, Journals, Electronic information sources i.e. Delnet, photocopy/aids. College librarian will provide details about the library.
Highlights of Central Library
- Area - 550 sq.m
- Opening Hours - 10AM. To 8PM.
- Total No. of Title - 3330Nos
- Total No. of Volumes - 15996 Nos
- Total No. of International Journals - 21 Nos
- Total No. of National Journals - 57 Nos
- Total No. of E- Journals(Infotrac Engineering, Science & Technology) - 1152 Nos
- Total No. of e-books - 500 Nos
- Total No. of Magazine - 15 Nos
- News Paper (English/Oriya) - 08Nos
- Reading Room Capacity - 80 Nos

Library has a collection of books, journals and other reading materials in the area of Engineering, Humanities and allied subjects taught in the Institute. This collection includes textbooks, conference proceedings, general and reference books, CD-ROMs, floppies, VCDs, DVDs, Video Cassettes etc. Library collection is growing rapidly and we hope to add four to five thousand unique titles every year.
The Principal/Librarian may refuse, under special circumstances, admission into the library to any person or the use of any book without assigning any reason thereof. The Principal/Librarian may grant special loan temporarily for a short period, subject to the availability of the books. Any infringement of the rules will forfeit privilege of admission to end of borrowing books from the library. Principal reserves the right to modify any or all of the above rules, if situation demands so.
Organizing the collection on the shelf
Library follows Dewey Decimal Classification System for classification of books and organizing the collection on the shelf.
Books, monographs, conference proceedings etc are a part of this collection. This collection is located on the ground floor stack area next to the Circulation Desk.
Reference (REF) Books
Reference (REF) books such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks, geographical sources, manuals and other related reading materials are located in the stack area on the first floor with separate labels indicating the reference collection.
Course Reserve (CR) Collection
Course Reserve (CR) Collection consists of textbooks, journal articles, conference papers, faculty ppt files(digital), lecture notes and other reading materials recommended by the respective faculty members for different courses for each Semester. Most materials change from semester to semester, based on the course requirements. These materials are kept at the Circulation Desk and are meant for reference only within in the library against Identity Card.
Book Bank Loan (BBL) Collection
- Copies of text and reference books recommended by faculty for different courses, which are likely to be in heavy demand during the semester, are identified and designated as BBL Books.
- They are shelved along with other books with a green label
- These are issued to the students for a period of one semester and are not renewable.
Journals/Magazines Current Journals
Library receives in print over 63 scholarly journals besides a host of magazines and newspapers. These are displayed in alphabetical order in the reading hall on the first floor. List of all these journals is displayed on the notice boards and sufficient copies are kept in the reading area for immediate reference and consultation.
Bound Volumes of Journals
Library binds and preserves certain select list of scholarly and other useful journals for the future use.
Electronic Journals
Library also provides an online access to over 13 journals published by Wiley InterScience. in electronic form. This year, we are going for e-subscription to more than 5000 journals from DOAJ.
Digital Media Resources Unit
Digital Resources such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, Video cassettes etc will be housed separately. This part of the, when the process of setting up completes, will have number of computer systems with multimedia facility and Internet connectivity to access the digital resources. Facility for individual and group viewing of educational video programmes is being made available. Separate preview room with all the required facility is being setup.

- Reference Services
- Lending Services
- Current Awareness Services
- Newspaper Clipping Services
- Reprography Services
- Book Bank Facilities
- Access Digital Library (DSpace based): 10 dedicated multimedia Pcs with connection of NPTEL for enhancement og emerging technology in libraray & Information services, we have organized a Ntional workshop on Digital Library Software-DSpace on 27th of april 2013.
Student volunteered to become member of book bank have to pay Rs.1500 /- for the period of 8 semester i.e. 4year which is refundable. At the beginning of semester they will pay Rs 400 /- for maintenance charge of book bank which is non refundable.
Only benefited students are allowed to enter into the library, they have to produce I-card, on demand. Books, Umbrella, bags and such other articles which are prohibited shall be kept at the entrance of the library i.e. the property counter.
Library card: Each regular student shall be issued a library card at the time of admission/readmission. Validity of Library Card: The Library card will be valid for two semesters/trimesters of an academic session. Duplicate identity card: Incase of loss of Identity card, a duplicate card may be issued on receipt of an application with a fee of Rs. 20/-. Students intending to borrow books are to submit their library cards along with duly filled in requisition slip before 10A.M. The book(s) if available may be issued in favour of the students between 11A.M. to 5P.M.
Silence shall be strictly maintained in the Library. Spitting smoking and sleeping are strictly prohibited. No person shall write upon. Damage or make any mark which will disfigure the beauty or library documents such as books, journals, charts, the furniture, fittings, etc. The user concerned or a group of users will be held responsible for any damage done by him/her/them to the book s or other property of the library. He /She/ They will be required to replace such Book(s) or other properties damaged or pay the cost with fine. Tearing or cutting of books will be seriously viewed. Before leaving Library, a particular user shall return any book manuscripts, journals and dailies taken by him/her for consultation.
- The STUDY CENTRE OF THE Central Library, SIT will be kept open for its users from 10 AM to 5 PM every day excluding Sundays and Holidays.
- Each students may be issued with one document (viz-Book, Journal, Magazine, Newspapers etc.) if available, at a time, on production of Identity card. A student without Identity Card may not get entry into the Library.
- Students are not allowed to take books, journals etc. outside the study centre.
- A borrower is allowed to change the document once during his/ her stay inside the Reading room. Such change of document, except newspaper, cannot be allowed before expiry of one hour.
- Utmost silence and discipline must be maintained inside the study centre.
- Arrangement of chairs and tables must not be disturbed under any circumstances.
- Anybody found talking and causing disturbance in any manner, blocking the passage way may be fined at the first instance and deprived of library facilities if the offence is repeated.
- Anybody who wants photo copies of articles may get them inside the library, paying charges as fixed by the college.
Maximum number of books that may be issued to various classes of borrowers of this Institution is as follow: Each student- 05 nos., Professor- 07 nos. Asst. Prof.- 06 nos., Lecturer- 05nos. Instructor/ Lab. Asst./ Programmer and other- 3.
Before leaving counter, a borrower shall satisfy as to whether the book lent is in sound physical condition; if not, the borrower shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of thee librarian or his deputy in his absence; otherwise the borrower is liable to be held responsible for the replacement of the book by a sound copy. If one book of a set is damaged or lost, the borrower shall be liable to replace the whole set. Periodicals, directories, handbooks and certain other books kept in the reference section shall not be issued. The borrower is not allowed to sub-let the library documents. A student may retain the borrowed books for a maximum period of 15 days. All books on loan shall be returned on due date. If a book is not returned to the library when due an overdue charge of Rs.1.00 per book for each day of delay shall be levied.
Loan may be renewed for further periods, provided:
- No other reader has applied for the book in the mean time
- Not more than two consecutive renewals shall be allowed for the same book without its production to the library for inspection.
Loans may at any time be terminated by order of the Principal/Librarian. A member against whom any overdue or other charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow, books until the person has paid the amount due to him. All books borrowed from the library should be returned before summer vacation or forms fill-up date.