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Research Publications

Research Publications (2011-2012)

International/National Journals:

  • Prof (Dr) R.N Parida,prof. D.K Sahoo,Bibhu Prasad Nanda."Indian Power Generation Sector and Power Quality Issues",MTPSOM-2012,Organized at REC,BBSR,50-52.
  • Prof (Dr) R.N Parida, Jibananada Mishra,Bibhu Prasad Mishra,Ranjan Kumar Jena,"Intelligent image compression in Multi agent system" Internatioanal Journal of Computer Science and Informatics(IJCSI) ISSN(PRINT):2231-5292,Vol-1,Issue-3,102-109.
  • Prof (Dr) R.N Parida, Jibananada Mishra,Abinash Panda,Ranjan Kumar Jena,"Parallel energy efficientcoverage optimizationusing WSN with image compression". International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology(IJCCT),Volume-2,Issue-VI,2011,54-59.
  • Prof (Dr) R.N Parida, Jibananada Mishra,Bibhu Prasad Nanda,"Sensorless vector control of Inductiuon Generators for Vanable-Speed wind Turbines using Micro-2407". Energy and Power Enginering,2012,4(Scientific Research Publishing) July 2012.
  • Bibhu prasad Nanda,"Speed Control of Induction Motor by using Artificial Neural Network "Internatioan Journal of Mobile & Adhoc Networks,vol-2,Issue-2,May-2012,290-296.
  • Debswarup Rath,"Use of Artificial Intelligence in Production of Sunlight",IFRSA's International Journal of Computing, Vol-2,issue-2,April,2012,467-471.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "An Introduction to Nanomedicine, National Seminar on Nanomedicine and application", Page 38-39,13th Aug 2011
  • B.R.Sarangi "Nano Technology In Computer And Its Application" In Emerging Science Vol-4no-6june2012. Issn 0976-4100.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Ocimum santum (Tulashi) and study of their antibacterial and antifungal activities":Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials,( 2012), 4 (6), Pg: 103-109.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from syzygium aromaticum and their antibacterial efficacy": International Journal Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biomedical Sciences , Oct-Dec.2012, Vol.1(4),335-341.

Research Publications (2012-2013)

  • Monalisa Pattanayak and Dr.P L Nayak,"New Algae Products: The source of life in the twenty first Century", National Journal of Emerging Science, Vol-5,No.10,Oct,2013.
  • B.R.Sarangi "Synthesis, Characterization And Electrical Properties Of Poly(M-Toludine)/ Modified Mwcnt Conducting Polymer Composites" In International Journal Of Advanced Research, 27th May 2013 With Issn 2320-5407.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Plant Mediated Synthesis Of Silvernano Particles: Opportunity and Challenges": International Journal of Biology ,Pharmacy and Allied Sciences , 2012, 1(11), Pg: 1637-1658 .
  • Sandigdha Acharya "Computational Intelligence Based Evolutionary Algorithm Application In Blast Fragmentation Optimization In Mines". The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, Pg-19, Vol-52, N0-05, May2013.
  • Sandigdha Acharya "Ant Colony Optimization Based Digital Image Edge Detection Application For Ore Preparation Plant:" A Study, Geominetech, The Indian Mineral Industry Journal, Vol11, No-02, May2013.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Green synthesis and characterization of zero valent silver Nanoparticles from the leaf extract of Datura metel" : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences , Volume 2, issue 1 (2013),Pg :31-35.

Research Publications (2013-2014)

  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Antimicrobial Activity Of Green Synthesized And Characterized Silvernano Particles From Murraya Koenigii": Journal of applied science and advance materials international , 2014 ,Vol 1 (II) , 44 -46
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Biomedical Applications of Green Synthesised Silver Nanoparticles ", International conference on advancements in polymeric materials (APM), Feb 14-16 , 2014 organised by CIPET, Bhubaneswar .

Research Publications (2014-2015)

  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout "Low cost water treatment using nano technology for rural areas ", National seminar on Climate change impact and sustainable management strategies ,Mar ,14 -16 , 2015 at Ravenshaw University , Cuttack.
  • Prof (Dr) Jogeswari Rout " Integrated watershed management for sustainable development National seminar on Climate change impact and sustainable management strategies ",Mar ,14 -16 , 2015 at Ravenshaw University , Cuttack
  • Satyasen Panda. "Performance Analysis of a novel coding technical for SAC-OCDMA", International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (CIS), ISSN-2079-8407, Vol -6, No-6, PP. 299-307, June 2015.